
Ingredients per serving


Prepare the Kohlrabi

  • Kohlrabi, whole 4.0 each
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Black pepper, ground

Prepare the Tomatoes

  • Olive oil 1.0 Tbsp
  • Cherry tomatoes 1.0 pt

Assemble and Finish the Dish

with Seared Cherry Tomatoes, Feta Cheese, and Lemon Za’atar Dressing



  1. Prepare the Kohlrabi

    • Preheat an oven to 450°F.
    • Rub the kohlrabi with oil, then season with salt and pepper. Place on a baking sheet and roast in the oven for 1- 1 ½ hours or until the exterior is charred and the interior is tender when pierced by a skewer. Let cool slightly and peel.
  2. Prepare the Tomatoes

    • Heat a sauté pan over medium high heat. Add the oil and tomatoes. Sear over high heat until the tomatoes are charred and just starting to wilt. Season with salt and pepper.
  3. Assemble and Finish the Dish

    • Cut the kohlrabi into eighths almost all the way through. The kohlrabi will fan open and hold together at the bottom. Place the kohlrabi on a platter. Sprinkle with Maldon salt.
    • Place tomatoes and herbs around the platter. Drizzle Hellmann’s® Lemon Za’atar Dressing over the kohlrabi and tomatoes. Sprinkle with feta and za’atar.