
Ingredients per serving



  • Oxtail with bone-in 43.0 oz
  • Kosher salt, to taste
  • pepper, to taste
  • Vegetable oil 3.0 oz
  • Onion, yellow, diced 11.0 oz
  • Celery, chopped 10.0 oz
  • Garlic cloves, diced 0.5 oz
  • Carrots, diced 11.3 oz
  • Thyme, fresh 0.1 oz
  • Rosemary, fresh 0.05 oz
  • Red wine 12.0 oz
  • Tomato paste 8.3 oz
  • Water 24.0 oz
  • Oxtail and Mashed Potato Mix
  • Potatoes- Idaho 13.5 oz
  • Cilantro, chopped 1.0 oz
  • Onions, diced 3.5 oz
  • Oxtail meat 16.0 oz
  • Kosher salt, to taste

Chile de Árbol Salsa

To Assemble the Taco

  • Corn tortillas 4.0 each
  • oxtail and mashed potato 1.6 oz
  • chile de árbol sauce 3.0 oz

The special touch in these Tacos al Carbón by Michelin Star Chef Carlos Gaytán is the oxtail adding a depth of flavor and a personal connection to the land and traditions of Guerrero.



  1. Oxtail

    1. Season the oxtail meat with salt and pepper.
    2. In a skillet with oil over medium heat, sear the oxtail on all sides. Set aside.
    3. In a pot, sauté the onion, celery, garlic cloves, carrots, thyme, rosemary, red wine, tomato paste, water, and the seared oxtail meat. Reduce and cook over medium heat for 3.5 hours until it becomes a thick paste. Integrate the potatoes after 3.5 hours so they cook and marinate with the other ingredients.
    4. After 4 hours, remove the potatoes from the pot. Debone the oxtail meat and set it aside to mix with the potatoes. Reserve the oxtail reduction to use in the chile de árbol salsa later.
    5. Mash the cooked potatoes and in a bowl, mix the mashed potatoes, cilantro, onion, oxtail meat, and salt. Set aside.
  2. Chile de Árbol Salsa

    1. In an oven preheated to 425°F, roast the garlic cloves, chile de árbol peppers, and tomatillos with olive oil for 2 minutes.
    2. In a blender, blend the roasted garlic cloves, chile de árbol peppers, tomatillos, Knorr® Professional Caldo de Pollo (4.4lb.), and oxtail reduction. Set aside.
  3. To Assemble the Taco

    1. On each tortilla, add oxtail and mashed potato mix and close the taco.
    2. On a charcoal grill, grill the tacos for a few seconds on each side.
    3. Place your four tacos on a plate and accompany them with chile de árbol salsa.