
Rockstar Vegetables

Vibrant and Picturesque

Bright and brilliant


About the trend

With such a saturated market within food services, yourdish of the day can’t just taste great, it needs to lookthe part too. Diners demand food that is not only fullof nutrition and nourishment, they want it to lookaesthetically interesting – and vegetables might bethe answer.

“Diners will be more likely to try something new if it is tied to familiar dishes like a taco enhanced with simple, yet flavor-packed ingredients”.

“Diners will be more likely to try something new if it is tied to familiar dishes like a taco enhanced with simple, yet flavor-packed ingredients”.

Chef Dana Cohen

Executive Chef - UFS North America

Irresistible Vegetables Recipes

Irresistible Recipe

Hot Honey Caramelized Butternut Squash Tostada

For Casual Full-Service Restaurants

What’s hot? Hot honey! This recipe shows how tokeep vegetables trendy and exciting in flavor andappearance – caramelizing and frying of seasonal,inexpensive yet appealing ingredients, giving it awow factor that you can charge a premium for. It provides a good serving of vegetables that delivertaste and essential nutrients, as well as protein toround out the dish.